Men and women respond in different ways to various heart ailments and conditions. According to studies, the UK is the EU’s most developed city with several heart surgeons who know their job like the back of their hand.
The doctors in London have access to world-class education and are provided with hands-on training. They possess a repertoire of skills that make them suitable for treating patients with several heart diseases. With the availability of cutting-edge technology and top-notch medical equipment, digitized tools and smart devices, they make complex surgeries a cakewalk.
Delving Deeper Into Cardiovascular Heart Diseases:
Cause Deaths
Every year, many people die of heart disease. Men develop cardiovascular diseases at an alarming rate more than women and are prone to heart issues. Many of them die due to the adverse effects of heart diseases and also because they develop some problems during their convalescence.
Occur In People Of All Ages
Also, a London heart surgeon operates on numerous patients for their heart conditions. He/she comes across many old and middle-aged people who are diagnosed with heart diseases and require special treatment. Men have larger hearts and more blood vessels than women and have a different cholesterol buildup. They might respond to coronary heart diseases, strokes and aortic diseases differently.
Also, some people cannot healthily handle stress and anxiety. These conditions compound to their cardiovascular health and they face all sorts of heart ailments.
Happen Because Of Body Issues
Men suffer from heart ailments because of low testosterone levels in their bodies. Some hormonal imbalances also increase blood pressure and lead to cardiovascular conditions.
Metabolic syndrome consists of high blood sugar levels, and more weight around the midsection and diabetes causes heart conditions in males.
Can Be Triggered By Smoking And Drinking Alcohol
People might develop heart ailments because of excessive smoking and consumption of alcohol. An unhealthy lifestyle can also induce heart attacks. Obese folks are also at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
In the western parts of the world, men are prone to health issues. An average London heart surgeon earns several pounds a day for treating cardiovascular conditions of people.
Have Symptoms
Individuals can experience different symptoms such as shortness of breath and sweating. There might be a pain in the arms. Also, swelling in the ankles, legs or feet indicates a heart attack. The person can also have an irregular heartbeat and some weakness.
Summing it up, men and women respond differently to heart diseases. Unhealthy people are more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases. These can be caused by smoking, consumption of alcohol and an unhealthy lifestyle. Many people die every year because of heart diseases and most of them are men.